coffee new zealand

Top Coffee Brands In New Zealand

New Zealand is certainly the heart of coffee culture. But not all coffee beans created equal, so you need to hunt for the best in the country. Well, being such a coffee enthusiast, here we created a handpicked list of the best coffee brands you find in New Zealand. They are some of the bests in roasting, brewing, serving, and exporting found in the country.

Ozone Coffee

They have seen a long journey of becoming a flagship roastery from very humble beginnings. Ozone coffee roasters are nationally and internationally well-recognized coffee brand. You can find their coffee in different iconic cafes of different parts of the world. Their home base, however, is in New Plymouth’s West Precinct very much know for art and hospitality. Along with best roast coffee beans, you can find everything related to coffee there which a coffee bean enthusiast possibly looks for.

Espresso Workshop 

Espresso Workshop is the proud self-proclaimed “Coffee Nerds”  where they were founded with a single goal to serve – that is to reveal the flavor potential of specialty coffee. Also, they highly promote single-origin beans. They are highly selective with their bean selection and execute it on the basis of flavor quality of beans.

AllPress Coffee 

You see those very famous brown and gold cups with ultimate significance to the brand. AllPress Coffee is no doubt Aucklands’ premier coffee roaster. It has all started as an inspired tour at the time of 80’s coffee boom when Michael Allpress designed the very first espresso coffee cart system, one of its own kind in New Zealand. And as they say, you know the rest is history. They now have been around 31 years in the business and expanded to Japan and the UK  as well.

Atomic Coffee

They have started on Ponsonby Road in the year 1992 and since then, they’ve become a brand consistently offering great coffee. As a specialty roaster, you can put your faith in the brand and enjoy their diverse selection of best coffee blends. Every bean in the atomic coffee is selected and handpicked for roasting to provide a specific characteristic to your cup of coffee.


Kokako coffee is certified organic and fairtrade coffee brands in New Zealand. You will find them located at the Grey Lynn post office where they offer different range of coffee in the cafes including espresso and filter both. They also offer home-brewing beans and even have subscription services.

Havana Coffee Works 

Never to forget Havana Coffee Works which started its journey from famous Cuba Street in Wellington. Since 1989, Wellingtonians along with Cuban Communists brought and serving the best coffee beans in New Zealand. They have earned their credibility as one of the best coffee roasters in the country.

Coffee Supreme 

Coffee Supreme is a leading global coffee roaster brand also popular in New Zealand. They roast a wide range of delicious coffee from single origins and espresso blends to filter coffee roasts and even instant ones. For different coffee enthusiasts, they have specific coffee blends such as Supreme Blend, Brazil Blend, Boxer Blend, and more. They have been in the coffee business for around 24 years, won tons of coffee awards as well.

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